
Stephanie Grace: Once more, Louisiana lawmakers put a chill on women’s health care

I don’t pay much attention to crime stories in far-off states — there’s plenty of that in Louisiana to keep us all occupied — but an article from The Boston Globe last week caught my eye. A Massachusetts man was arrested for slipping his pregnant girlfriend...

Get Your Beauty Sleep Under The Stars With Slip’s Latest Launch

Sleeping under the stars has always been a romantic notion. But now Slip is making that an easily accessible reality in a fun way—you can snooze under your astrological star—and get your beauty sleep. The Australian brand is launching The Zodiac Collection, offering...

MOUNTAIN STATES POLICY CENTER: Health insurance mandates increase the cost of health care

Stark (COURTESY PHOTO) Americans view health insurance much differently than other types of insurance. When a person says that they have great health insurance, what they really mean is that their insurance covers a whole host of medical problems – eye wear, dental,...

Fairmont State makes fitness free for teens this summer

Jun. 1—FAIRMONT — Teens bored with summer break can build up their physical fitness for free at Fairmont State University from May through August, provided they come with a parent. “I think now is an important time to make sure our youth have opportunities to...

Eye health risks during heatwaves

Eye health risks during heatwaves We use cookies for analytics, advertising and to improve our site. You agree to our use of cookies by continuing to use our site. To know more, see our Cookie Policy and Cookie...

Dental experts share 3 of the worst foods for your teeth

Dental experts share 3 of the worst foods for your teeth – CBS News Watch CBS News Are you aware of the impact food has on your dental health? Dental experts share some tips on food to be aware of and how to protect your teeth from damage. View CBS News In Be...

Business leaders predict the future of Chattanooga’s beauty and wellness industry

Feeling and looking good isn’t just vanity. It’s an investment in our overall well-being and confidence. And that all ties into the quality of work we do each day. In Chattanooga, the health and wellness industry has been on the rise for years. For many, prioritizing...

Social Media Use and Youth Mental Health

Source: Anna Shvets/ Pexels Co-authored by Zoe Hart and Dr. Marina Heifetz Social media has become increasingly more accessible, with the vast majority of North American teens using it daily. With social media companies marketing to teens, it is no wonder that we see...

Stop the mental health merry-go-round and keep my sister where she is safe and stable

Fourteen years ago, The Seattle Times published two pieces I wrote about my sister and our family’s struggle to get her sustained mental health treatment. The first was after she jumped off the Highway 520 bridge on New Year’s Day 2010, and the second when the...

New bachelor’s prepares students for careers in fitness and sports fields

The Department of Kinesiology will offer a new Bachelor of Science in Exercise, Physical Activity and Sport degree starting in fall 2024. The program will prepare students for enter directly into the workforce in a variety of fields including technology, telehealth,...
Get Your Beauty Sleep Under The Stars With Slip’s Latest Launch

Get Your Beauty Sleep Under The Stars With Slip’s Latest Launch

Sleeping under the stars has always been a romantic notion. But now Slip is making that an easily accessible reality in a fun way—you can snooze under your astrological star—and get your beauty sleep. The Australian brand is launching The Zodiac Collection, offering...

Eye health risks during heatwaves

Eye health risks during heatwaves

Eye health risks during heatwaves We use cookies for analytics, advertising and to improve our site. You agree to our use of cookies by continuing to use our site. To know more, see our Cookie Policy and Cookie...

Dental experts share 3 of the worst foods for your teeth

Dental experts share 3 of the worst foods for your teeth

Dental experts share 3 of the worst foods for your teeth – CBS News Watch CBS News Are you aware of the impact food has on your dental health? Dental experts share some tips on food to be aware of and how to protect your teeth from damage. View CBS News In Be...

Hidden Health Dangers Uncovered by an Eye Exam

Hidden Health Dangers Uncovered by an Eye Exam

Last month, I attended a conference for physicians presented by Dr. Jesse Berry, an associate professor of ophthalmology at USC and the director of the Ocular Oncology and the Retinoblastoma Programs at Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles, who reminded us how important...

Tips for Relieving Eye Strain from Screen Time

Tips for Relieving Eye Strain from Screen Time

In today’s digital age, screen usage has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. From working on computers and scrolling through smartphones to watching television and playing video games, our eyes are constantly exposed to screens. This prevalent screen...

Dental implants: What you need to know | Northwell Health

Dental implants: What you need to know | Northwell Health

While most people start their adult life with a full set of teeth — a number that ranges between 28 and 32 depending on the presence of wisdom teeth — more than two-thirds of Americans will have lost at least one tooth by age 44.  Fortunately, there are several...

Our health care workers are suffering from more than burnout

Our health care workers are suffering from more than burnout

Doctors, nurses, and other health care workers in Massachusetts must be suffering from burnout. How could they not be? Our state’s emergency departments are overflowing. Primary care specialists are inundated with requests from patients. An exodus of nurses from the...

FoxConn turns attention to women’s health

FoxConn turns attention to women’s health

Staff photo / Dan Pompili Denise Huemme, center, in pink shirt, stands with some of her FoxConn Ohio coworkers in front of the Steward Health mobile mammography center Thursday at FoxConn Ohio’s annual Women’s Health Day event. LORDSTOWN — Denise Huemme was 35 when...

The 8 Best Bulking Foods, According to Dietitians

The 8 Best Bulking Foods, According to Dietitians

1 Bananas Floortje//Getty Images Long appreciates that bananas are a calorie-dense ‘quick carb’ to help fuel your muscles to increase power potential. “Bananas also provide potassium, which is an electrolyte for optimal muscle function,” she says. 2 Sweet...

Foxconn hosts Women’s Health Day at Lordstown facility

Foxconn hosts Women’s Health Day at Lordstown facility

NTSB investigate cut gas line in Youngstown building … 2 hours ago Youngstown demolition crew worked diligently to find … 2 hours ago Tenants reunite after Youngstown explosion that left … 2 hours ago South Range bound for the state championship game 3...

30 Delicious Breakfasts With 30 Grams of Protein

30 Delicious Breakfasts With 30 Grams of Protein

YEAH, SURE, BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day. But if that breakfast is just a crumbly cereal bar and a banana, how important is it, really? What makes breakfast really important isn’t just that you’re eating it—it’s what you’re...